Interesting Question


For those of you who can’t read what’s on the Bible Cover it says:

They that wait upon the Lord

shall renew their strength

they shall mount up with Wings as Eagles…


Today I continued following some good blogs. Before I follow a blog I check out the title of the blog, The blog’s tagline, Some of the posts, Can I follow it from the WordPress Reader with a Follow Button and Etc… I have found some good blogs this way. Today was no different. I found a blog that had an interesting tagline. It provokes thinking and that’s good. What blog was that?  The blog I found today with the interesting tagline is Whosoever Will, May Come . The tagline that posed the interesting question went like this. It was Faithful Believers. Are There Any Left? This is a good tagline. I like it.

I would like to answer that question from the tagline on that blog. I realize our world is in a world of turmoil and just about everyone seems to be following Satan’s way not God’s way.  Well I have good news. There are a few Christians(AKA Faithful Believers) out there and we follow God one day at a time despite our troubles. This isn’t the only Christian blog out there are others.

I know you are not supposed to proud and haughty because it’s a sin. But the pride I have is because I can honestly say I’m a Christian and know where I’ll be going when I die. Do You?

I’m here if you want to talk because I’m a good listener. If you want to chat use the contact form for privacy.

woods email address bottom


A Pleasant Surprise

I named this picture A Pleasant Surprise because my nephew and his family thought the deer ate all his sunflowers. As it turns out, some of those sunflowers still bloomed. He was thrilled because he put a lot of work into planting them.

Below is the result of lots of hard work by this 15-year-old.


My 1st Sunshine Blogger Award



I was just recently honored by MY LIFE AND OTHER STUFF for the Sunshine Blogger Award. I want to thank MY LIFE AND OTHER STUFF for this honor. This means a lot to me.

Here Are The Rules For The Award:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked.
  • Nominate 11 other blogs and ask 11 new questions for them.
  • Finally list the rules and include the Sunshine Blogger Award logo somewhere in the post.

Here are the questions asked by MY LIFE AND OTHER STUFF:

  1. What food do you hate the most? All vegetables
  2. Which country would you love to live and why? I would love to live in Ireland. As for why, that is where some of my ancestors are from.
  3. What’s the best present you’ve ever received and from whom? The best present I ever received was eternal life the day I asked Jesus into my heart. From Whom? Jesus.
  4. What’s your favourite word? I really don’t have a favourite word.
  5. In which past decade would you love to live? Thinking back, it would be the one you didn’t have to lock doors or worry about your kids getting abducted by someone.
  6. If you had a superpower, which would it be? I think I would want the superpower of all superpowers and that is I would want all of them. I call it the master superpower. 
  7. If you had a time machine, where would you go. I would want to go back into the 1940’s just to see what it was like when my parents were growing up.
  8. Do you play any sport? Not anymore. I used to play volleyball and throw javelin when I was in school.
  9. What’s you favourite hobbie? It used to be cross-stitching but now it’s a tie between tv and the computer.
  10. Your very first memory? My very first memory I can remember is teaching my sisters how to get out of the playpen. I’m sure there are other memories before this but none that I remember.
  11. Tell me a random fact about you? My random fact is that my 2 younger sisters are fraternal twins.

My 11 Blog Nominees are:

  2. RoseyToesSews
  3. Cats and Life
  4. The Recipe Hunter
  5. Katzenworld
  6. Your Present Blessings
  7. brianandlily
  8. Smorgasbord- Variety is the spice of life
  9. lipstick ‘n’ grace
  10. Tanglewood
  11. The Introverted Book Nerd

My Questions For My Nominees Are:

  1. How Old Are You?
  2. What Is Your Job And Do You Like Your Job?
  3. Do You Like School And If You’re Out Of School, Did You Like School?
  4. What Is Your Main Goal In Life?
  5. Do You Have Any Pets And If You Do, What Kind Of Animals Do You Have?
  6. Do You Like To Travel And If So, Where?
  7. Do You Have Any Brothers Or Sisters And If So, How Many Of Each?
  8. What’s Your Favorite Sport and Why?
  9. Where Does Your Best Friend Live As Opposed To Where You Live?
  10. Do You Collect Anything ?
  11. Tell Me A Random Fact About You. 


The Get To Know Me Tag

Hello Everyone,

I was recently nominated for The Get To Know Me Tag by CRYSTAL’S PHOTO-BLOGGING SITE . I wasn’t familiar with this award until I was nominated. If you want to check out this amazing blog please Click Here .


  1. Each nominee must the person who nominated them and does credit the creator of the tag.
  2. Must post one of your childhood photos with your nickname.
  3. Must reveal 5 funniest experiences of your childhood life.
  4. Nominate 10 bloggers to do the award

Thanks to CRYSTAL’S PHOTO BLOGGING SITE for nominating me for this tag.

Below is my childhood picture. I am the kid on the right. As for my nickname, I had several but the most common nickname I got called was Crys.DSCN0291

My 5 funniest experiences were:

  1. My 2 sisters and I played in the snow then stuck our heads in the snow bank.
  2. Watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre at an all girls slumber party.
  3. Playing with the neighborhood boys.
  4. Coming home and being surprised with a trip to Niagara Falls.
  5. Having my mother as a teacher.

Finally I have to nominate 10 blogs.

My Nominees Are:

  2. Your Present Blessings
  3. The Recipe Hunter
  4. Pure Glory
  5. Q T C
  6. The Canadian Cats
  7. preppy_pink_piglet
  8. weggieboy’s blog
  9. Rabbit Girl Crafts
  10. Mad Cap Dog

Thanks Again to CRYSTAL’S PHOTO-BLOGGING SITE for nominating me for this tag.





Hello Friends, I wanted to send my gratitude to PENandPAPER who nominated EVERYONE because every blogger is unique in their own way. PENandPAPER has helped me greatly especially when I get frustrated with my blogs. Telling me that my blogs are unique in their own way made me realize I don’t need to be perfect. I just do my best on my blogs and suggest everyone do the same thing. If you’d like to meet this amazing blogger who has an amazing site and is helpful to, please click here. I also suggest you follow this blog if you’re looking for a good blog to follow. The link of the blogger that showed love to me for blogging is THE UNIQUE BLOGGER AWARD


  1. Share the link of the blogger who has shown love to you.
  2. Answer their Questions.
  3. In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family, nominate 8-13 people for the same award.
  4. Ask them 3 questions.


  1. What is the inspiration behind your blog content? When I started WELCOME TO CRYSTAL’S SITE(ORIGINALLY COUNTRY LIVING), I started it because I wanted to have fun and see what blogging is all about. I liked the fact of self publishing my posts, stories, pictures and more on my site and sharing them with others. I also like meeting other bloggers.
  2. What is your favorite time of the year and why? My favorite time of the year has probably got to be December 19 to the 25th because that’s the timeline when my birthday comes and I just love Christmas because that’s when Christ was born and started his mission to die for our sins.
  3. What is your favorite book and why? (Or movie if you don’t read) Like PENandPAPER, the Bible is my favorite book too. The Bible is a good book to read and it’s a best seller. As for worldly books, I like most mystery/suspense books mostly because they have you on the edge of your seat guessing who done it. If I didn’t read, the movies I would choose is Dirty Dancing and Grease. Why? They’re good movies.


I follow several good blogs and can’t just choose 8-13 blogs and after seeing that PENandPAPER nominated Everyone because every blogger is unique in their own way, I thought I would do the same thing. So my nominees are EVERYONE. 


  1. What is the inspiration behind your blog(s) and why?
  2. What is your favorite extracurricular activity?
  3. What is your favorite hobby?
  4. What’s your favorite pet and Why?

PENandPAPER THANKS SO MUCH for nominating my blog. This really means a lot to me.

The Star Blogger Nominations

Hello my friends, I’m thrilled to announce I’m among the top 10 bloggers up for the Star Blogger Award. How How To Addict wanted to recognize interesting blogs and unique blogs.

I mentioned previously that I’m up for the Star Blogger Award. Well I would really appreciate your vote for WELCOME TO CRYSTAL’S SITE(ORIGINALLY COUNTRY LIVING) it is listed under Daisy Mae.  The link to vote is at: Star Blogger Award Nominations .  


My Blog nomination is under Daisy Mae. Please help me and Vote for me. This Award would mean a lot to me.

New Milestone Reached: 101 Follows

Hello everyone, I’m excited and happy to report I have reached 101 Follows on WELCOME TO CRYSTAL’S SITE(ORIGINALLY COUNTRY LIVING).🙂🙂

I want to thank everyone who followed me and thank those in advance who will be following me in the future.🙂🙂

This is an exciting accomplishment for me. I’ve worked hard to reach this goal.🙂🙂

My next goals are to reach 150 Follows on WELCOME TO CRYSTAL’S SITE(ORIGINALLY COUNTRY LIVING and 50 Follows on CRYSTAL’S PHOTO-BLOGGING SITE . I hope I reach it then I can go for 100 Follows.

Thanks Again Everyone.

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