Types Of Bullying And The Possible Solutions To Stop Bullying


You Should Kill Yourself. You’re Weird. You’re Different. You’re Not Pretty. You’re Not Handsome. You Can’t Do That. Your Stupid. The list goes on and on. Got your attention? I hope so because with the way technology is now days bullying happens more than we think. Another thing we should consider is that boys aren’t the only ones that bully but girls bully kids too.

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These phrases could be considered bullying. Which type of bullying? The phrases I have listed in the Introduction fall into the Verbal Bullying and Cyber-Bullying categories. Are these the only two types of bullying? Sadly no. In fact, there are six types of bullying that can happen. The six types of bullying are: Physical Bullying, Verbal Bullying, Relational Aggression, Cyber-Bullying, Sexual Bullying and Prejudicial Bullying. I will be taking a look at each type of bullying, Giving examples of each type of bullying and I will also give visual examples of each type of bullying too.

Graphic Is By: antibullyingblog.blogspot.com

Types Of Bullying

Physical Bullying:

Physical Bullying is considered to be the most obvious form of bullying. Physical Bullying happens when the more popular kids are bigger, stronger and more aggressive than the unpopular kids. Examples of Physical Bullying are Kicking, Punching, Slapping, Shoving and Other physical attacks that occur. Unlike other types of bullying, Physical Bullying is the easiest type of bullying to identify.

Graphic Credit: Istockphoto

Relational Aggression:

Relational Aggression is a sneaky type of bullying that usually goes unnoticed by parents and teachers. This type of bullying is sometimes referred to as emotional bullying. Relational Aggression is a type of social manipulation where the people who are the bullies try to hurt their peers or sabotage their social standing. Examples of Relational Aggression are: Being told they can’t be in a group, People spread rumors about them,  People manipulate situations and They try to break confidences.  The bully’s goal is to make themselves look good-by controlling or bullying another person.

If we take a look at both females and males, you will usually find that females use Relational Aggression more than males.  A person on the receiving end of Relational Aggression Bullying is often teased, intimidated, insulted, excluded and ignored.

Bullying doesn’t just happen in schools but can happen in the workplace too. Kids as young as 2 years old can start to bully other kids. Why does bullying start so young and how does it develop? I learned that bullying is something that just doesn’t suddenly or mysteriously appear in young children. In fact, children bring with them a history of experiences with family, media and other children.

Graphic Credit: istockphoto


Cyber-Bullying is when a person uses the internet, smart phone or other types of technology to target another person, threaten, harass or embarrass someone. Cyber-Bullies often say things they don’t have the courage to tell them face to face. Examples of Cyber-Bullying are: When a person sends nasty e-mails or text messages, Posting nasty and embarrassing pictures on social media, videos and websites.

Graphic Credit: istockphoto

Sexual Bullying: 

Sexual Bullying is when a person or group of people targets someone sexually. Examples of Sexual Bullying are: Sexual Name Calling, Crude Comments, Vulgar Gestures, Uninvited Touching, Uninvited Sexual Advances and Pornographic Materials. In some cases Sexual Bullying can lead to sexual assault and possibly rape.

I know for a fact that this type of bullying actually does happen and to boys too not just girls. I know a teacher who knows a child that has had Sexual Bullying happen to him. I’m not naming the child or teacher due to privacy and security issues. But do note that this type of bullying happens more than you think. Also, this type of bullying is not just in schools but the workplace too.

Graphic Credit: istockphoto

Prejudicial Bullying:

Prejudicial Bullying is mostly between teens. It is based on race, religions and/or sexual orientations. It is sad to say this can take in all other types of bullying. When this type of bullying occurs it is often severe and could lead to hate crime.

Graphic Credit: istockphoto

 6 Common Types Of Bullies

Bully Victims:

Bully Victims often rise up after being bullied. They’ll bully others weaker themselves because they have been bullied themselves. Their goal is to regain the power and sense of control in their lives. Other times the bully victim comes from a home life riddled with domestic violence or suffers abuse from an older sibling. In cases like these bullying is a learned behavior.

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Popular Bullies:

Popular Bullies have big egos.  Popular Bullies also have a group of supporters and/or followers. They are often confident and condescending towards others. In fact, Popular Bullies often feel a sense of entitlement that comes from their popularity, their size, their social status and their upbringing. Popular Bullies are sometimes the school’s star athlete and is often looked up to by others since they’re perceived as leaders.


Relational Bullies:

Relational Bullies are usually somewhat popular and enjoys deciding who is popular and who isn’t. Often times Relational Bullies usually only use Verbal and/or Emotional Bullying to control someone. Mean girls are considered to be Relational Bullies.

Graphic Credit: istockphoto

Serial Bullies:

Serial Bully is systematic, controlled and calculated in their approach to bullying and they are often found in popular circles. However, adults such as parents, teachers and administrators usually have no idea what a Serial Bully is capable of because on the outside they may seem sweet and charming to authority figures but on the inside they can be very mean to others they don’t like. Examples of Serial Bullies are: They become fake friends to others and They are skilled at lying to get their way.

Graphic Credit: istockphoto

Group Bullies:

Group Bullies are either part of a clique or a group that just follows the leader just to belong. However, they usually act different when they’re alone even with the victim. Because children feel better when they’re in a group, they also feel less responsible because all their friends “are doing it”.

Graphic Credit: istockphoto

Indifferent Bullies:

Finally, I found in my research that Indifferent Bullies are unable to feel empathy. They often will appear, unfeeling, cold and have very little remorse for what they do. They get enjoyment out of seeing someone else suffer and getting disciplined. They are discouraged by punishment. Also they are usually brutal, cruel and mean and usually have psychological problems.

Graphic Credit: istockphoto

I have given you something to read and think about but I said in the title of my post that solutions were included. Below are some of my solutions that might help with bullying.

Solutions For Bullying:

  1. Don’t Start Bullying Anyone.
  2. Walk Away If A Bully Tries To Pick A Fight.
  3. Think Before You Post And Send.
  4. Make The Block Button Your Friend.
  5. Someone Starts Name-Calling Don’t Argue But Walk Away.
  6. Tell Your Teacher, Parents And In A Worse Case Scenario Tell The Police.
  7. Never Argue With A Bully.

There are plenty of more solutions and I’m sure you may be able to think of some but these solutions that are listed especially Number 7 Never Argue With A Bully, are some important solutions that might help.

Links Used In My Research:

I used my EXPERIENCE With Bullying, I Used My Indirect Experience With Bullying,  I used 6 Types of Bullying Every Parent Should Know AboutHow Does Early Bullying Develop and you can find more solutions at 10 Ways to Reduce Bullying in Schools.

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My conclusion is very simple, if you think you see bullying happening do something about it and report it.





By: Crystal Stewart

Bullying is a mean way to

Gain power over a person

Who is weaker than the bully.

Although bullying happens more 

Often than reported, walking away

And reporting it are the best solutions

To bullying and hope anyone in a

Bullying situation will do exactly this.

My plea to everyone is don’t bully but 

Treat the bully with extreme kindness

And they will wonder why you are being

So kind to them when they are

Being mean to you.

So be extra kind to bullies.



Update On Sadie

As many of you know I asked you to share, share and share some more. I asked you to do this because it might help a blind cat who weighs only around 5 pounds. I’m here with an update on sweet Sadie. She is still alive but the outlook is very grim I’m sad to say. I have been just told she may only have a week left before Sadie crosses the Rainbow Bridge. If you know someone who wants a pet and is willing to give them a forever home. Please ask them to give Sadie a forever home. This cat deserves it.

CRYSTAL AND DAISY MAE’S PHOTO-BLOGGING SITE and WELCOME TO CRYSTAL’S SITE(ORIGINALLY COUNTRY LIVING) asks you to go to BriansHomeBlog and the article about Sadie can be found at URGENT: Please Help Save Special Needs Sadie – Time Critical – Greenville, SC . Please Help.


🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎁🎁🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄Merry Blogmas Everyone: Day 7 – Making A Gingerbread House At Christmas🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎁🎁🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄

Graphic Credit: Ischs.org

Last Christmas my sister and family brought a Gingerbread House kit for them and their cousins to put together. Was that ever a sight to see and hear.  They did manage to put the gingerbread house kit together but realized to late and I mean to late they put it together wrong. In fact, it was after they had the house was already put together they realized this. Like I said way to late. No big deal it still looked good. Yes it is still standing to this day too. We have kept it in the freezer.

My 4 nieces and 1 nephew had fun trying to put it together. Oh the giggling we heard and the talking. It was so nice to have them together making something and knowing they were working together even made it better.  A picture of the finished product is below.


You see the Stewart household is usually busy at Christmas and with 3 kids in college, 1 about to graduate high school and ready to go to college and 1 is still in high school.  So getting together isn’t easy. We’re always thrilled when all of us can get together even if that means doing Christmas a day early. I love the laughter that goes throughout the house.

Merry Blogmas Everyone.


Graphic Credit: izzyk1998.blogspot.com


Merry Blogmas Everyone: Day 8 – The Making Of Christmas Cookies – A Yearly Fun Tradition

Graphic Credit: haiaeve.blogspot.com

Twas the 8th day of  Blogmas and what are we doing? We are making Christmas cookies at the Stewart  household and having fun making the cookies we are.

The week before Christmas is always busy with making Christmas cookies and whatever else comes up. Despite the Christmas hustle and bustle, making cookies with mom has become a fun tradition I look forward to each Christmas. 

My favorite Christmas Cookie is the Orange Cookie and everyone else’s too so they’re the first to get eaten. ):😪):😪

Graphic Credit: wall.alphacoders.com


Hello everyone, I’m really excited to tell you that it is my one month anniversary on WordPress. I can’t believe it’s been one month since I started CRYSTAL’S PHOTO-BLOGGING SITE. I’m having fun blogging and hope to continue to have fun blogging.  Please click the link below to see more of this post.




I would like to write about Daisy Mae’s kittyhood: Part 2. If you you’re thinking that you need a part 1 to have a part 2 then you would be right. If you’re asking yourself, when did you write part 1. It was on January 30, 2017 when I wrote part 1 of Daisy Mae’s kittyhood. The Title of Daisy Mae’s Kittyhood: Part 1 is called TIGGER AND DAISY MAE.

Daisy Mae is in the second part of her kittyhood now. Daisy Mae is almost 11 years old now and boy has she grown. She’s an indoor cat and queen of the household. Daisy Mae is a cat who is loved and spoiled rotten. My late grandmother always said there is spoiled good and spoiled bad and your spoiled good. Of course she was talking about children. But it works for cats too. Spoiled good means you do not get everything handed to you or get everything you want and spoiled bad means that you get everything handed to you and/or everything you want. Daisy Mae doesn’t get everything she wants but she thinks should. Then what cat doesn’t.

Daisy Mae’s kittyhood has been filled by playing string or pole, sleeping in the sunbeams, finding her favorite spots and sleeping some more. She really likes conning her dad into giving her treats instead of getting them herself. She also likes exploring. Like I said, she’s a spoiled cat. But that’s OK. I wouldn’t have it any other way.  We even bought a decoration to hang on the wall that says: A Spoiled Rotten Cat Lives Here.

Daisy Mae is really like most cats even though she’s an indoor cat exclusively. She still has the urge to explore, the urge to go outside especially on nice days.

In Daisy Mae’s younger days when she was smaller and skinnier, she was able to go places in our house you would never imagine she would go. For example, one time she went exploring in our basement and went into a hole she found. However there was just one problem, she was able to go into the hole in the wall but couldn’t get turned around to escape. What did she do? She meowed at the top of her lungs and was happy when Daddy helped her escape. Come to think of it, Daisy Mae’s Daddy helped her escape from a lot of situations she got into.

Daisy Mae is Spayed. Spaying and Neutering is a subject I think should be mentioned because if it isn’t and people ignore the subject, we will have unwanted cats that aren’t taken care but left to run or worse they’re abandoned.

Cats that are left to run or if they’re abandoned, will eventually find a male cat, have sex then have kittens. Kittens are  cute but when you need to find a home for kittens that you need to find a home for, it isn’t easy. You would think these places that say they will take kittens in an emergency would take them with no problem. I can tell you from experience this isn’t true. We called several places and they refused us or they would say if you pay this you can drop them off. My neighbor ran into the same problem. My Dad took care of our problem by taking them somewhere else. However, the result of my neighbor’s problem didn’t end happy sad to say. The same mean dogs that bit me killed all of the kittens. If the animal places would’ve just taken the kittens in this might not of happened.

Spaying and Neutering in my opinion is something that pet owners should do. In not only helps the owner but helps keep the pet population down which is what we need to do.

I hope it will be a while before I have to write part 3 of Daisy Mae’s Kittyhood. It won’t be easy to write.

The following are some pictures of Daisy Mae’s Kittyhood:

Daisy Mae Showing Off Her Belly For The Camera.


Daisy Mae playing with her Daddy.
Daisy Mae Playing Pole With Her Daddy
Daisy Mae Playing With Her Daddy
Daisy Mae Sitting On Her “Throne” All Curled Up By The Tigger Kitty Pillow


Daisy Mae playing with her Daddy.

Hello everyone, I would like to share a story about my  rescue cats Tigger and Daisy Mae. You see right before we rescued Tigger, we had another rescue kitten that died after a week because the previous owners flea dipped her to early. We eventually rescued another cat and her name was Tigger. Tigger was a rescue cat that we got from a friend of mine at work. I know you’re probably thinking how is your cat a rescue cat if you got her from a friend at work. The following are some reasons that make Tigger a rescue cat and they are: 1. My friend had so many cats that not all the cats got treated equally, 2. Tigger was the runt of the litter so she didn’t get treated as good as the other cats and 3. If you would’ve heard some of the things the previous owner did, you would have rescued her too. In fact, some of the things the previous owner did could have been considered abuse in some instances. When my family brought Tigger home, she was scared to death of all of us and even ran and hid from us. When I came home from work, I found her in my bedroom closet. She eventually warmed up to Mom and I and it took a little bit longer for Dad. However, in Tigger’s old age she couldn’t get around as good as she used to and that’s about the time Daisy Mae came into the picture. The following is the story of  how we found or rescued Daisy Mae.                                                                                                                           One night when I came home from work, I could hear something. As it turned out, it was a cute and adorable little kitty cat with good lungs.We estimated that the little kitty cat we found or rescued was about 4 weeks old. Of course my family and I fed her and put her in a nice warm bed in the garage and eventually brought her into the house. We did get to see the mother cat who kept coming around after she dropped her kitten off at our place. We always thought the mother cat wanted to make sure her kitten was going to be taken care and when she realized her kitten was going to be taken care of, the mother cat stopped coming around.                                                                                                                                                  A few days later  we had my nephew’s 4th birthday party and we let my nieces and nephew name the kitten. The nieces and nephew decided to name the kitten Daisy Mae. My sister and brother-in-law gave us a cage for the kitten but it ended up, Daisy Mae was so small she was able to get through the holes in the cage.                                                       Since we had Tigger at the same time we had Daisy Mae, we had to figure out a way to introduce the cats to each other. We put up a screen door and that worked well for a while but eventually the screen door came down. When the cats were finally introduced to each other, everything for the most part went well. Of course, Tigger was the one that did all the hissing when the screen door came down.                                                                                             Since Daisy Mae was the younger kitty cat, it helped Tigger become more playful and more mellow. In fact, Tigger warmed up to my Dad right before she passed away on September 11, 2015. We miss Tigger everyday.                                                                                                               As for Daisy Mae, we have had her for 10 years and this year will be 11 years. Daisy Mae  has been a joy and a blessing. We love her a lot.                                                                                             My family and I feel that God brought us Tigger and when she passed away, God brought us Daisy Mae. My family and I felt that God knew we would eventually need some joy and that we would be sad when Tigger died. The joy Daisy Mae has brought our family is beyond words. Daisy Mae has been a blessing that is for sure.


Bear Walking Toward The Salt Lick.
Turkey Strutting His Stuff For The Girls.
Deer Eating With The Turkey
Turkey Eating
Squirrel Looking Into The MoultrieCam

I do not live on a farm but I do live way out in the country. Country living is interesting and fun. It is also takes a lot of work. Let’s start with interesting. It ‘s interesting because you get to see all kinds of animals and learning about those animals is interesting. I can’t tell you how many times I didn’t know what kind or type of animal it was that I saw and I would look it up on the computer to find out. I find it interesting learning about different kinds of animals. Second, it is fun because some of those animals you can interact with daily. Third, it takes some work if you want to interact with animals daily and I’m not kidding. You have to be willing to talk to the animals out in the open and not mind if someone does hear you talking. For example, my family talks to the birds, turkey, deer, stray cats, squirrels and etc… that come into our backyard and what we call a campsite. I have woods up back of the house as well as on one side of our house and across the way below the neighbor’s house there is a creek. I say we live in the country because we do. You see, we get all kinds of animals like Deer, Squirrels, Stray Cats, Different kinds of Birds, Raccoons, Bobcats, Bear, Snakes, Fishers, Turkey and the list goes. For those of you who don’t know what a fisher is, it is “a small carnivorous mammal native to North America. It is a member of the mustelid family and a part of the marten genus. The fisher is closely related to but larger than the American marten. The fisher is a forest-dwelling creature whose range covers most of boreal forest in Canada to the northern United States. Names derived from aboriginal languages include pecan, pequam, wejack and woolang. It is also called a fisher cat, although it is not a feline.” The Scientific name for a fisher is: Martes pennant, the Biological classification is: Species and the fisher Belongs to: Marten. I got this information from bing.com/images. As you can see country life not only proves to interesting but fun too. Please remember that it takes work too. Please note, the one image is past sunset but has a full moon in it. I sure hope you enjoy this post on country living. If you are interested in looking up about a fisher, here is a link that you can do that and it is: Country Living. Please note that city life is not mentioned because I’ve never lived in the city before. I have lived way out in the country all my life and have loved it. Please enjoy the pictures as well as post.


What’s Up Friend?

Hello Friends, I would like to welcome everyone to my site. My site, COUNTRY LIVING is about ANIMALS, COUNTRY LIVING AND MORE.

I started my own site because I like to take pictures and I thought it would be fun to start my own blog. I’ve even gone as far as to write a short story about 2 of my cats. I’ve been thinking about writing another one. Maybe now I’ll blog instead. I will probably post about crafts, family, holidays and vacations too.  Also, I will post about living in the country and post other posts. That story about my cats is called Tigger And Daisy Mae.  I find writing a post or blogging relaxing. It seems that when I start writing, I just can’t stop.  With my cat story, it easily could have been a lot longer. I just hope everyone feels free to share my posts and blogs. The above picture is of a squirrel looking into the MOULTRIECAM. This picture was taken right behind our house on a small campsite. Below are some pictures that also come from the MOULTRIECAM and I hope you enjoy all pictures.