Happy  New Everyone. I’m excited because Daisy Mae and I have started the new year off right by being nominated for two awards. We were nominated for the don’t hate, appreciate award by MABEAUTILITY and that post can be found at The Don’t Hate, Appreciate Award: G❤❤d Vibes Only – My First Post Of 2018. Also, Daisy Mae and I were nominated for the Liebster Award  by MABEAUTILITY and if you want to check her award post out that can be found at LIEBSTER AWARD 2018!.

Thanks MABEAUTILITY for nominating me.


  1. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated your blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions.
  3. Nominate 11 other new bloggers for encouraging them.
  4. Ask them 11 questions.
  5. Let them know you have nominated.


  1. What is your favorite pet? Cats.
  2. What is your favorite snack? Popcorn slathered in butter.
  3. Which place in your house do you like the most? I like my bedroom the most. The reason I like my bedroom so is because it’s warm and cozy.
  4. What is your biggest hobby besides blogging. I don’t have another hobby other than blogging anymore. I used to do cross-stitching.
  5. If you were able to posses magic, what kind of  magic would it be? Interesting question. The kind of magic that I could have a full-time job by owning my own business. Also,the kind of magic that I could change our world’s mind to do the right thing.
  6. What is your biggest wish? My biggest wish is that everyone in my family stays healthy and our world gets some common sense.
  7. Would you like your blog to be your job and Why? I haven’t been blogging a year yet so as of this time I’m not really sure.
  8. What did you like most about 2017?  I have so many things I liked about 2017 it’s hard to pick just 1 particular one.
  9. What would your perfect holiday be like? All of my family would be together, no grudges would be held, Nobody would be sick and we’d enjoy each other’s company and we’d overlook each other’s faults.
  10. What is the meaning of education? To me education is more than getting a degree or degrees at a college or colleges. Education to me can also be what you learn in life from the time you’re born to the time you die. You see there are many ways you can be educated so take advantage of all of them because you never know when you’ll need them.
  11. How did you create the name of your blog? When I created the name of my blog, I wanted it to be unique and original. I live way out in the country so I started with COUNTRY LIVING but then I got to thinking why not make it a little more personal and do a name that would welcome everyone to my site. So I came up with WELCOME TO CRYSTAL’S SITE(ORIGINALLY COUNTRY LIVING). I kept COUNTRY LIVING so that my followers  that came when I had that name would stay.



  1. A Voice From Iran
  2. Easy Blog
  3. His Perfect Timing
  4. A Smile A Day
  5. 15 And Meowing
  6. The Girl Who Read Too Much
  7. Crochety Cougars
  8. If I can’t bring my dog, I’m not going
  9. Canny Catnip Nook
  10. Purrseidon

Please don’t judge me for not nominating blog! If I could I’d nominate all my followers because I know how much time and effort into your blog posts. I appreciate all my bloggers.

Congratulations to my nominees.


  1. What is your favorite pet and/or animal?
  2. What is your job and Why do you like it or dislike it so much?
  3. What is your favorite sport and why?
  4. Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? If so what were they?
  5. What did you like most about 2017?
  6. What did you like least about 2017?
  7. What is your hobby besides blogging?
  8. What did you like most about Christmas and New Year’s?
  9. What is your blog about?
  10. What would you like to share about yourself to introduce yourself to the readers?
  11. How did you create the name of your blog?

Nominees, have fun answering the above questions.










What We’ve Experienced In The Past Few Days And It Wasn’t Friday The 13TH

DSCN0364Hello Everyone, It’s Daisy Mae and I thought I’d update you on what’s been happening to my Sister(Crystal) and myself these last few days. These last few days have been well traumatic for the both of us.

On Friday October 11, 2017 in the evening is when things all started and literally went haywire for my sister, Crystal. You see she was on her computer and needed to charge it and when she went to charge it, it wouldn’t charge and the cord wouldn’t even stay in. She took it to Staples the next day and found out the damage was worse than she thought. As it turns out where you charge the computer in that hole was pushed back at least 1/4 of an inch and the Motherboard on the computer had gone. The Associates said because it cost so much to get fixed it would be best to get a brand new computer so that’s what my wonderful Sister, Crystal did. Crystal was without a computer for a few days while they transferred and got things set up.

On Monday October 12, 2017 I had to go to that bad vet for a follow-up check-up. My owners put me in this pet carrier which I absolutely hated and what happens when went around the corner of the receptionist’s desk, the carrier fell apart with me in it. Not good. Daddy held me and cuddled me until I had to go back in the carrier again but he didn’t carry it by the handle like before.  My follow-up check-up went well and no infections found. That was my Experience at the vet.

The day didn’t get better either because the place that transferred Crystal’s files she discovered some of them were transferred in Word and can’t be open without Office. She wasn’t happy. If there is anyone that knows how to change out of word please let her know. She did what any normal human would do and called the computer place for help and they refused to give the help. Told her to call Microsoft and she did that twice and got nowhere. She got the run-a-round and didn’t get a solution to her problem.

So once again if anyone knows how to switch out of word so she can open her files please let her know.

Then to end yesterday, right after supper the internet goes out until morning. She tried a little trick her provider told her and it helped.

We are both very sorry we didn’t get any posts out in the last few days but as you can see it’s been a rough few days. I will eventually get my cat quotes and fun facts out on CRYSTAL’S PHOTO-BLOGGING SITE and WELCOME TO CRYSTAL’S SITE(ORIGINALLY COUNTRY LIVING) .

So I guess you could say that Friday the 13th came early for my sister, Crystal and I. LOL

Thanks For Reading Everyone!!


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Remembering Tigger

DSCN0260 Hi everyone, let me introduce myself my name is Daisy Mae and this is a picture of me. The reason why I’m here is because today is a rough day for Mom since it’s been 2 years since my sister, Tigger passed away.

Mom wanted to remember Tigger and this is what she wanted to say: Tigger, you were taken from us 2 years ago today and we miss you everyday. It was a bittersweet day. Bitter because you passed away and sweet because you didn’t have to suffer anymore.

Before you passed away, you were agile so you played, jumped up on things, layed on our laps and was always under our feet. You were such a loving kitty cat despite your kittyhood. We got you as an adult and I’m glad we did. we rescued you out of a bad situation and we loved you very much. I’m so glad you finally came to make nice with Dad.

Below is a picture of my sister, Tigger.



Tigger, like Mom we miss you a lot and had fun playing with you. You have left paw prints on our hearts.


Thanks Tigger for being such a sweet kitty cat.

*Tigger’s Picture Is in The Featured Image and Daisy Mae’s Picture Is The Insert On The Left*.




Hello Friends, I wanted to send my gratitude to PENandPAPER who nominated EVERYONE because every blogger is unique in their own way. PENandPAPER has helped me greatly especially when I get frustrated with my blogs. Telling me that my blogs are unique in their own way made me realize I don’t need to be perfect. I just do my best on my blogs and suggest everyone do the same thing. If you’d like to meet this amazing blogger who has an amazing site and is helpful to, please click here. I also suggest you follow this blog if you’re looking for a good blog to follow. The link of the blogger that showed love to me for blogging is THE UNIQUE BLOGGER AWARD


  1. Share the link of the blogger who has shown love to you.
  2. Answer their Questions.
  3. In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family, nominate 8-13 people for the same award.
  4. Ask them 3 questions.


  1. What is the inspiration behind your blog content? When I started WELCOME TO CRYSTAL’S SITE(ORIGINALLY COUNTRY LIVING), I started it because I wanted to have fun and see what blogging is all about. I liked the fact of self publishing my posts, stories, pictures and more on my site and sharing them with others. I also like meeting other bloggers.
  2. What is your favorite time of the year and why? My favorite time of the year has probably got to be December 19 to the 25th because that’s the timeline when my birthday comes and I just love Christmas because that’s when Christ was born and started his mission to die for our sins.
  3. What is your favorite book and why? (Or movie if you don’t read) Like PENandPAPER, the Bible is my favorite book too. The Bible is a good book to read and it’s a best seller. As for worldly books, I like most mystery/suspense books mostly because they have you on the edge of your seat guessing who done it. If I didn’t read, the movies I would choose is Dirty Dancing and Grease. Why? They’re good movies.


I follow several good blogs and can’t just choose 8-13 blogs and after seeing that PENandPAPER nominated Everyone because every blogger is unique in their own way, I thought I would do the same thing. So my nominees are EVERYONE. 


  1. What is the inspiration behind your blog(s) and why?
  2. What is your favorite extracurricular activity?
  3. What is your favorite hobby?
  4. What’s your favorite pet and Why?

PENandPAPER THANKS SO MUCH for nominating my blog. This really means a lot to me.

New Milestone Reached: 101 Follows

Hello everyone, I’m excited and happy to report I have reached 101 Follows on WELCOME TO CRYSTAL’S SITE(ORIGINALLY COUNTRY LIVING).🙂🙂

I want to thank everyone who followed me and thank those in advance who will be following me in the future.🙂🙂

This is an exciting accomplishment for me. I’ve worked hard to reach this goal.🙂🙂

My next goals are to reach 150 Follows on WELCOME TO CRYSTAL’S SITE(ORIGINALLY COUNTRY LIVING and 50 Follows on CRYSTAL’S PHOTO-BLOGGING SITE . I hope I reach it then I can go for 100 Follows.

Thanks Again Everyone.

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Hello Everyone, I thought I would write and let you know if I don’t get right back to you after a comment, don’t worry I’m not blowing off your comment or ignoring your comment either it’s because I have been having some technical problems with my notifications. You see, I can see my notifications but I can’t reply, like, follow and etc… Thank goodness for e-mail notifications. I might be able to reply that way. Wish me luck. I’m really sorry about this but that’s computer’s for you.

Thanks In Advance For Your Understanding,





I did some blogging and reblogging on my new site, CRYSTAL’S PHOTO-BLOGGING SITE. I also just published another picture blog called SUNRISES AND SUNSETS: IN PHOTOS. I think in my opinion these blogs are pretty good.

On your dashboard under Links then hitting All Links, you’ll find both of my sites and their Links. If you don’t want to bother with that, here is the link for CRYSTAL’S PHOTO-BLOGGING SITE.

Thanks to Everyone who has visited the site. I hope you follow it too.



Welcome to CRYSTAL’S SITE(ORIGINALLY COUNTRY LIVING), I hope you go to my other site CRYSTAL’S PHOTO-BLOGGING SITE and hope you follow me there too. I have no followers yet and hope to get some. Please follow me at my other site too.

I sure would appreciate it. THANKS IN ADVANCE EVERYONE.

P.S. All you have to do is switch sites and hit the follow button. I hope you follow me. THANKS AGAIN.


I just wanted to let you know that I just published my 1st photo blog. I hope you go to my site, CRYSTAL’S PHOTO-BLOGGING SITE. I hope you follow my other site too. Please take a look and enjoy the pictures and their captions. Below is a picture of what you might see on my new site. Thanks in advance.

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What’s Up Friend?

Hello Friends, I would like to welcome everyone to my site. My site, COUNTRY LIVING is about ANIMALS, COUNTRY LIVING AND MORE.

I started my own site because I like to take pictures and I thought it would be fun to start my own blog. I’ve even gone as far as to write a short story about 2 of my cats. I’ve been thinking about writing another one. Maybe now I’ll blog instead. I will probably post about crafts, family, holidays and vacations too.  Also, I will post about living in the country and post other posts. That story about my cats is called Tigger And Daisy Mae.  I find writing a post or blogging relaxing. It seems that when I start writing, I just can’t stop.  With my cat story, it easily could have been a lot longer. I just hope everyone feels free to share my posts and blogs. The above picture is of a squirrel looking into the MOULTRIECAM. This picture was taken right behind our house on a small campsite. Below are some pictures that also come from the MOULTRIECAM and I hope you enjoy all pictures.