
I would like to write about Daisy Mae’s kittyhood: Part 2. If you you’re thinking that you need a part 1 to have a part 2 then you would be right. If you’re asking yourself, when did you write part 1. It was on January 30, 2017 when I wrote part 1 of Daisy Mae’s kittyhood. The Title of Daisy Mae’s Kittyhood: Part 1 is called TIGGER AND DAISY MAE.

Daisy Mae is in the second part of her kittyhood now. Daisy Mae is almost 11 years old now and boy has she grown. She’s an indoor cat and queen of the household. Daisy Mae is a cat who is loved and spoiled rotten. My late grandmother always said there is spoiled good and spoiled bad and your spoiled good. Of course she was talking about children. But it works for cats too. Spoiled good means you do not get everything handed to you or get everything you want and spoiled bad means that you get everything handed to you and/or everything you want. Daisy Mae doesn’t get everything she wants but she thinks should. Then what cat doesn’t.

Daisy Mae’s kittyhood has been filled by playing string or pole, sleeping in the sunbeams, finding her favorite spots and sleeping some more. She really likes conning her dad into giving her treats instead of getting them herself. She also likes exploring. Like I said, she’s a spoiled cat. But that’s OK. I wouldn’t have it any other way.  We even bought a decoration to hang on the wall that says: A Spoiled Rotten Cat Lives Here.

Daisy Mae is really like most cats even though she’s an indoor cat exclusively. She still has the urge to explore, the urge to go outside especially on nice days.

In Daisy Mae’s younger days when she was smaller and skinnier, she was able to go places in our house you would never imagine she would go. For example, one time she went exploring in our basement and went into a hole she found. However there was just one problem, she was able to go into the hole in the wall but couldn’t get turned around to escape. What did she do? She meowed at the top of her lungs and was happy when Daddy helped her escape. Come to think of it, Daisy Mae’s Daddy helped her escape from a lot of situations she got into.

Daisy Mae is Spayed. Spaying and Neutering is a subject I think should be mentioned because if it isn’t and people ignore the subject, we will have unwanted cats that aren’t taken care but left to run or worse they’re abandoned.

Cats that are left to run or if they’re abandoned, will eventually find a male cat, have sex then have kittens. Kittens are  cute but when you need to find a home for kittens that you need to find a home for, it isn’t easy. You would think these places that say they will take kittens in an emergency would take them with no problem. I can tell you from experience this isn’t true. We called several places and they refused us or they would say if you pay this you can drop them off. My neighbor ran into the same problem. My Dad took care of our problem by taking them somewhere else. However, the result of my neighbor’s problem didn’t end happy sad to say. The same mean dogs that bit me killed all of the kittens. If the animal places would’ve just taken the kittens in this might not of happened.

Spaying and Neutering in my opinion is something that pet owners should do. In not only helps the owner but helps keep the pet population down which is what we need to do.

I hope it will be a while before I have to write part 3 of Daisy Mae’s Kittyhood. It won’t be easy to write.

The following are some pictures of Daisy Mae’s Kittyhood:

Daisy Mae Showing Off Her Belly For The Camera.


Daisy Mae playing with her Daddy.
Daisy Mae Playing Pole With Her Daddy
Daisy Mae Playing With Her Daddy
Daisy Mae Sitting On Her “Throne” All Curled Up By The Tigger Kitty Pillow

2 thoughts on “DAISY MAE’S KITTYHOOD: PART 2

  1. We so wish humans were more responsible with kitties. But alas…Even rescues are over run and have no room or monies. It’s sad..But, we’re glad Daisy Mae found you and you saved each other. Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

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