A teenage life is never calm, Cool, collected dull and

Practical like a Parent wants. However, a teenage life is usually

Filled with parties with friends, first kisses, one-sided Loves,

 A  teenagers first crush, broken hearts , broken friendships

 And brand new friendships. So when a teenager grows up

From childhood and matures into an adult,

 They usually leave childish things behind but the

 Friendships made as a Teenager can last a lifetime.

Poem By: Crystal Stewart(2017)


When I was in Elementary School many years ago, I got to go on a field trip with my class to a coal mine. The really cool thing about going to the mine is that they took our class into the mine where they work.

Since we were children, they explained what they did and this proved to be interesting. Of course it was more than we just mine for coal. As a child, the fact that I was in a coal mine and what the surroundings of a coal mine looked like was just incredible.

Learning about the coal mine was interesting and I did learn that no matter what job you might have, you are an important asset to that company.

Our field trip to the coal mine ended when we were given a piece of coal as a souvenir to remember our trip to the coal mine. I still have that piece of coal I got that day.




Loneliness, sadness and fear can torture us to the place that

We will fall into a cycle of depression that we will have a

Hard time climbing out of until we make some changes in our lives.

Changes that will help us beat the cycle of depression by

Asking for help from a friend, family member, doctor or

A support group and not by and not by getting hooked on drugs.

So no matter what kind of depression that you are in,there is

Always hope. So do not fear because you can break the cycle of

Depression and in the meantime while you break the cycle of

Depression, you might even make new friends.

Because the cycle of depression can be broken so don’t

Make the mistake of thinking it can’t be.

Poem By: Crystal Stewart(2017)