The Get To Know Me Tag

Hello Everyone,

I was recently nominated for The Get To Know Me Tag by CRYSTAL’S PHOTO-BLOGGING SITE . I wasn’t familiar with this award until I was nominated. If you want to check out this amazing blog please Click Here .


  1. Each nominee must the person who nominated them and does credit the creator of the tag.
  2. Must post one of your childhood photos with your nickname.
  3. Must reveal 5 funniest experiences of your childhood life.
  4. Nominate 10 bloggers to do the award

Thanks to CRYSTAL’S PHOTO BLOGGING SITE for nominating me for this tag.

Below is my childhood picture. I am the kid on the right. As for my nickname, I had several but the most common nickname I got called was Crys.DSCN0291

My 5 funniest experiences were:

  1. My 2 sisters and I played in the snow then stuck our heads in the snow bank.
  2. Watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre at an all girls slumber party.
  3. Playing with the neighborhood boys.
  4. Coming home and being surprised with a trip to Niagara Falls.
  5. Having my mother as a teacher.

Finally I have to nominate 10 blogs.

My Nominees Are:

  2. Your Present Blessings
  3. The Recipe Hunter
  4. Pure Glory
  5. Q T C
  6. The Canadian Cats
  7. preppy_pink_piglet
  8. weggieboy’s blog
  9. Rabbit Girl Crafts
  10. Mad Cap Dog

Thanks Again to CRYSTAL’S PHOTO-BLOGGING SITE for nominating me for this tag.
