Merry Blogmas: Day 14 – The Supawstars Spotlight Award(December)

I was honored by Elise Xavier from KittyClysm in 10/2017.  This is a great site and I highly suggest you check it out.

Because I was honored I thought I’d honor some animal bloggers. Now if you don’t see your website or blog listed have no fear because this won’t be the last time I give this award out. If you haven’t received this award yet and would like to or know of some other good animal blogs you can use the contact form at the end of this post or use the comment section.


  1. Pets Overload – Pets Overload
  2. Katzenworld – Katzenworld
  3. The Conscious Cat – The Conscious Cat
  4. Canny Catnip  Nook – Canny Catnip Nook
  5. Cat Chat With Caren And Cody – Cat Chat With Caren And Cody

You see it’s always nice to give this award away to 5 animal blogs that you feel deserve it. You can see the rules at SUPAWSTARS PET BLOGGER SPOTLIGHT AWARD! (10/2017) . WELCOME TO CRYSTAL’S SITE(ORIGINALLY COUNTRY LIVING) will try to give this award out monthly.

As promised I’m providing the contact form so you can  either give me your blog(s) or other blogs you think should have this award.
















Blogmas: Day 13 – Writing A Letter to Santa Claus And Santa Paws

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Continue reading “Blogmas: Day 13 – Writing A Letter to Santa Claus And Santa Paws”